Progressives thought
that large companies needed regulation and that the government should break
them up to restore competition. However, others argued that big companies were
efficient way to organize the economy and would prevent the companies from
abusing their power. The progressives
even advocated socialism. Socialism was the idea that the government should own
and operate industry for the community. The progressives wanted the government
to buy large companies that people relied on
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
J. Edgar Hoover (KI) Nick Attkisson
was a founding leader of the F.B.I, he was admitted into the special group
after Palmer declared a “blaze of revolution, was burning up the foundations of
society”. Because of that created a special group within the justice
department, the General Intelligence division. Hoover was accounted for making
the FBI into a large known crime fighting agency. He also helped today’s modern
technologies, such as the finger print file and forensic laboratories. Edgar
took advantage of his powers, harassing political parties to gain a amass file
on political leaders.
President Woodrow Wilson (KI) Nick Attkisson
Woodrow Wilson was the president of
the United States from 1913 to 1921. He was a big role in the progressive
movement during his first term. After his re-election he had the control of the
entry of America in WW1. In this entire second term he focused on WW1 and the
peace treaty in the late stages of war Wilson took personal control of
negotiations with Germany, especially with the armistice. He ended up making
the 14 points, his view of post war. He went to Paris and achieved the creation
of the League of Nations, and created the Treaty of Versailles. The League paid
special attention to the idea of taking defunct empires and making new nations
out of them. The senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles due to Wilson having
a stroke leaving his wife in control until 1921.
The Airplane’s First Flight (ME) Shania Campbell
In 1903 Orville and Wilber Wright
(later famously known as the Wright Brothers), successfully had their first
flight. The plane ascended to a height of 10 feet, and could travel 120 feet.
It was only in the air for 12 seconds. The brothers actually observed birds
while they were in flight, and noticed how the birds flew into the wind, with
the air flowing over the bent exterior of their wings, which created a lift.
They thought that they could use
and manipulate these ideas to create a craft that could fly. They studied
propellers, and how they worked, which allowed them to design a motor. The new
aircraft should be sturdy enough to hold up the motor’s heaviness and
vibrations. With this aircraft, they were prosperous with the first motorized,
conducted flight in history.
The Discovery of the Rabies Vaccine (KI) Shania Campbell
Rabies is not only contagious and
fatal, but it drove the host of the disease to insanity. And in fact, before
around 1885, almost always ended in
the person’s death. It’s a viral disease found in dogs and other mammals that
causes madness and convulsions. It’s transmissible through the saliva to
humans. In other words, a human can contract the disease from a dog bite, if
that dog has it.
Louis Pasteur worked at finding the
first rabies vaccination. He found the vaccine by harvesting samples of the
virus from rabbits that had it. He weakened the Virus by letting it dry out. He
tested his vaccine on dogs, but the first human test was July 6th of
1885. Joseph Meister had been badly mauled by a rabid dog, but the vaccine
successfully prevented him from getting the disease.
The Prohibition of Alcohol (ME) Jade Kramer

Friday, February 1, 2013
Monopoly (ME) Shania Campbell

It is
possible for a Monopoly to be illegal. Some examples include Price Fixing,
Price Discrimination, Exclusive Dealings, Group Boycotts, and Tying Contracts.
Price fixing is where competitors settle with buying or selling products or
services at a fixed price, not to be confused with Price discrimination, which
is just where you sell similar products to buyers at altered prices. Exclusive
Dealings is requiring a buyer or seller to purchase or sell most, or all of a
certain product from a single supplier.
Group Boycotts are competitors agreeing to reject a certain entity. And
lastly, tying contracts are selling products or services on the condition that
the buyer comes to an agreement to also buy a different product or service as
Morrill Tariff (ME) Shania Campbell
What started the Civil War? There’s
much debate on whether or not it was the Morrill Tariff. Or if it had something
to do with starting it. ‘What is the
Morrill Tariff?’ You may ask. Well in short, it was a law for protection.
It was passed in 1859 which made tariffs on the South spike from 15% to almost
50%. Tariffs are taxes, or a duty that has to be paid on a certain class of
imports or exports. When the Morrill Tariff was signed into law, it only took
one month to start taking effect. Other than setting tariff rates, the bill
also limited the Warehousing Act of 1846.
Warehousing Act of 1846 was a law that just let traders and suppliers to
warehouse their imported goods into the
United States, which initially allowed the tariff payments on those goods to be
delayed until the buyer was actually found. The Morrill Tariff was passed
before the Civil War was even expected, and passed through the Senate with
almost no changes.
Watch the video here:
Entrepreneur (ME) Shania Campbell
When you see the word ‘entrepreneur’ what comes to mind? It’s a complex word that has a complex meaning. But you’d be wrong. Entrepreneurs are people who risk all they have to organize and run businesses. What they believe will happen is that they make a ton of money that will make up for everything they’ve risked. Which many people have accomplished. There have been people making millions of dollars doing this. A lot of times, these people make the little things we don’t think about. Name brand things like Heinz ketchup or Levi jeans.
Gary Goldberg is a good example. He
is now a millionaire for selling bedding. This bedding, though, is an allergy
barrier. He found that his son got sick and hospitalized all the time because
of dust mites, which are on all bedding and that a lot of people suffer
allergies because of them. He risked all of his money making and selling this
product so that his son, and everyone else with dust mite allergies, can have better,
healthier lives.
Europeans Flood into America (ME) Eric Carmona
When the
Civil War ended nearly about 15 million European immigrated to the United
States between 1865 and 1914. More than
half of the European immigrants from the eastern and southern moved to the
United States. The countries from Europe
were Italy, Greece, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Serbia. There were two periods of immigration the
“new” immigration and the “old” immigration and the “old” immigration was
before 1890 and the “new” immigration was during 1890.
70 Percent of the immigrants were
men and they would be working to be able to afford to buy land in Europe or to
be able to bring their families to the United States. Many of the immigrants came to the United
States because they had enough jobs available for them. They came to find jobs in the United States
because they wanted to find a better job that would let them escape the poverty
and restrictions of social class in Europe.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Child Labor (ME) Jade Kramer
Child labor was one of
the most emotional progressive issues. Children had always worked on family
farms, which was understandable. But some children were working in mines and
factories, and this was hazardous to their health. A muckraker John Spargo
exposed the harsh working conditions of children in a book called The Bitter Cry of the Children. Children
that were the ages of 9 or 10 we working in coal mines, they picked slag out of
coal. They worked for 60 cents an hour for ten hours a day. The way he
described it was it bent their back permanently and crippled their hands.
Articles like these convinced states to make a minimum age for employment and
established limits on childhood labor.
Women Suffrage (ME) Jade Kramer
Women's Suffrage

William “Boss” Tweed (KI) Eric Carmona
He was the leader of the most infamous organization called
the New York City’s corrupt Tammany Hall political during the 1860s and
1870s. In the 1850s he became a powerful
figure in the Tammany Hall. During the 1860s he risen to the top of the position
and formed the Tweed ring, it encouraged judicial corruption. He was sent to prison for forgery and larceny
and other charges but in 1875 he escaped from prison and traveled to Cuba and
Spain. In 1876 the Spanish police
arrested him because they recognized him from a picture and was sent back to
the United State, returned to prison that’s where he died in 1878.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
John J. Pershing (KI) Nick Attkisson
Pershing was a commander of American Expeditionary force (AEF). Him and his
group of soldiers went to Paris on July 4th, 1917. They went to
Picpus cemetery where Lafayette was buried. France helped the United States
gain their freedom now they were going to help preserve theirs. British and
French commanders wanted to be in command over the American soldiers and
Pershing didn’t approve. President Wilson backed him up on that. French and
British needed Americans to replace their losses; Pershing held his ground but
made one change. The 93rd infantry, an African American division,
was transferred to the French. They became the first unit of Americans to go
into war.
Treaty of Versailles (ME) Nick Attkisson
Fight had
stopped for a while in November 1918, but World War 1 was not over. A treaty
had to be made and signed by every party. In 1919, delegates from 27 countries
came to France to talk and negotiate the treaty. The conference took place at
the palace of Versailles, near Paris. The treaty with Germany became known as
the treaty Versailles. The treaty of Saint Germain was also negotiated, ending
the war with Austria-Hungary.
negotiations of Versailles lasted for 5 months. The most important participants
were the “Big Four” of the allies. President Wilson of the U.S, David Lloyd
George, a Prime Minister from Britain, Itialian Prime Minister Vittorio
Orlando, and French Premier Georges Clemenceau. Russia wasn’t invited because
majority of the people didn’t recognize them as legitimate.
Zimmerman Telegram (ME) Nick Attkisson
Wilson was re-elected everything brought the country to the brink of war. In
January of 1917, Andrew Zimmerman, a German official sent a telegram. It
contained a message to the German ambassador in Mexico asking him to offer a
deal to the Mexican government. The deal was if Mexico allied with Germany in a
war against the United States, Mexico would regain all its lost territory after
the war. The land included areas in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The letter
was intercepted by the British and leaked to the American newspaper. America
concluded they would definitely be going to war against Germany.
February 1st, 1917, Germany resumed submarine warfare. Believing
they could starve Britain into submission in four to six months, if they could
sink all the boats in sight. By doing this it raised concerns that the
Americans would try to gather an army and send them, but Germany believed they
wouldn’t get there in time. Between February 3rd and March 21st
German boats sank 6 American ships. Wilson then asked Congress to declare war
on Germany.
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (KI) Nick Attkisson
On June 28th,
1914 a Serbian assassin had his target marked. He was going to take out
Archduke Franz Ferdinand. While
Ferdinand and his wife visited Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital, the Serbian
revolutionist rushed their chariot. The assassin open fired on both of them,
killing them both. Later the shooter was caught and put in jail. Gavrillo
Princip was the assassin, a member of the Serbian nationalist group, also known
as the “Black Hand”. Serbian officials had knowledge of the assassination
taking place and hoped it would start a war to bring down the Austro-Hungarian
If the
Austro-Hungary Empire was to fall the Serbian’s would be able to take control.
Instead of letting that happen, the Austro-Hungarian government asked their
German allies to crush the Serbian’s. By attacking Serbia, Russia got involved
and mobilized its army against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. That’s where
Germany steps in and declares war on Russia. World War 1 had begun.
Mark Twain (KI) Eric Carmona
His real
name is Samuel Clemens and was an incomparable American genius. He published his masterpiece called The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1884. Most of his work was novels, travel
narratives, short stories, sketches, and essays. Twain's first published story was "The Celebrated Jumping frog".
Chinese Exclusion Act (ME) Eric Carmona
The Congress
passed the Act and 1882 and it barred the Chinese immigration for 10 years and
it prevented the already in the United States to become citizens. The Congress renewed the law in 1892 and made
it permanent in 1902. In 1906 the San
Francisco Board of Education ordered all the Chinese, Japanese and Korean
children to attend a racially school in the Chinatown neighborhood. Chinese children have been forced to attend
racially schools since 1859.
Japan took
great offense to the treatment they were giving to their people. In that response Roosevelt invited the school
board leaders to the White House. He made
them a deal that he would limit Japanese immigration if the school board would
cancel their segregation order. After that
he began talks to Japan and negotiated an agreement and Japan agreed to reduce
the emigration of Japanese to the United States.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Jane Addams (KI) Eric Carmona
In 1889
Addams visited a settlement house in London and when she saw it she decided to
open Hull House. She opened it to assist
poor immigrants fin Chicago, it many forms as in day care, kindergartens,
libraries, an art gallery and employment agency. While in the Hull House she wrote books about
her experience in it. She served as the
first president of the organization that became the Women’s International
League for Peace and Freedom. In 1931
she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her activeness in the Peace movement.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Who Were the Progressives (ME) Jade Kramer
Progressivism was a reaction against
laissez-faire. For those who don’t know what that means “laissez-faire” is
French for let the people do what they want. Progressives believed that
industrialization and urbanization had created social problems. After seeing
problems with poverty of the working class reformers started doubting the free
market’s ability to solve those problems. Progressives belonged to major
political parties; most of them were urban educated, middle class Americans.
The leaders were journalists, social workers, educators, politicians and
members of a clergy. They agreed that the governments should take charge and be
more active role in solving the problems that the society faced. They also
doubted that government being the way it was would be able to fix the problems.
They came to the conclusion that the government needed to be fixed in order to
fix the problems we faced as a nation.
Ellis Island (ME) Eric Carmona
Ellis Island is a tiny island in New York Harbor. There is a three-story building and many of
the immigrants that arrived from Europe go through this building in 1892. Many immigrants pass through Ellis
Island about one day. About Every hour
ships loads of immigrants hurry through the Island. There were about 12 million immigrants passed
through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954.
The Island is
usually crowded by immigrants from all over the world; every language on the
earth would go there. When they get
there they would have to see a doctor to see if they pass the inspection. About one out of five people would be marked
with letters telling what kind of problems they would have as in heart
problems, hernias, scalp problems and mental disability. New people that fail the inspection might get
separated from their families even get sent back were they came from.
Christopher Sholes (KI) Shania Campbell
We as living beings need to
communicate. In 1867, Christopher Sholes, with the help of Carlos Glidden and
Samuel Soule, aided the human race by inventing the very first practical
mechanical typewriter machine. It not only helped us communicate better, but
influenced future inventors and their ideas to assisted the people around them
and make a profit off of it. The typewriter started with the idea of applying a
similar concept of the printing press. They molded the idea into a machine for
individual uses. In 1714, something similar to a typewriter was invented by
Henry Mill in England, but none of these inventions survived.
In 1829, from Detroit, Michigan a
man, William Burt, had patented his ‘typographer’. It had characters on a
rotating frame, but much like many of the similar inventions after it, it was
very heavy, unreliable, hard to use, and more times than not, it took longer to
produce a letter than writing it by hand. The typewriter Sholes, with the
assistance of Glidden and Soule, had invented was the most reliable to date.
They patented their invention, and licensed it to Remington & Sons of Ilion,
New York. By 1867, the Remington Model one was placed on the market. It was the
first useful, commercial typewriter. It wasn’t until 1978, though, that the
first electronic typewriter that was capable of storing text first appeared. It
was developed by the Olivetti Company in Italy and the Casio Company in Japan.
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